How can the performing arts sector become more sustainable? (Seminar / TIP)
Meet and reflect with Annika Bromberg and Petra Weckström, two of the initiators of "Hållbart Kulturliv Nu” a newly started Swedish NGO aiming to become the unifying force towards a green transition in the Swedish cultural sector - with national and international bearing.

This workshop will consist of two parts. First you will learn more about Theatre Green Book by experiences from an inspiring international workshop held in Gävle by Folkteatern Gävleborg together with Assitej and Teateralliansen early this year. The aim in the Gävle workshop was to bring set designers and directors together and start to investigate how Theatre Green Book can be a useful tool in sustainability work among artists.

The second part is interactive and you will be able to connect and contribute to the roadmap to fulfill the vision for Hållbart Kulturliv Nu.

Maximum number of participants: 40.
Funding Partner:

This seminar is a part of the Creative Europe platform Theatre in Palm, co-funded by the European Union and Intercult.

Event Details
Artist / Group: Annika Bromberg and Petra Weckström - Hållbart Kulturliv Nu
Country of Origin: SWEDEN
Genre: Workshops
Sub Genre: Theatre
Duration: 90 mins
Date(s): 2024-08-29
Price: FREE
Audience Age Range: 16 and above (16+)
Language(s): English
August 29, 2024 1.00pm
Full: FREE


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