Subbody is unification of Subconscious and Body, Ankoku 暗黒 in Japanese means Darkness and stands for everything invisible and concealed for naked eye. Our Daily bodies are usually restricted by large and gross movements, as the same as the Daily mind is restricted by dualistic language thinking. When we calm down our Daily thinking and judgment through various conditioning methods, it becomes able to listen to Subtle life in the ‘Darkness’ of the Body, where the Night mind resign, where body and mind are one. We transform from Thinking to Listening mood from Listening mood to Resonance. We resonate with our subconscious/ Night mind and let the movement manifest itself.
1. Calm down
To become Quiet body is the entrance for Subbody world.
2. Listen to the body, listen to ‘Qualia
Transforming from thinking to listening mood in the Darkness of our body.
Quaila is everything life resonates with - emotion, feeling,
3. Resonance
We learn how to resonate with Subtle life/ Qualia.
4. Become Subbody
Through a deep resonance with subtle life we embody different Qualias, we transcend them- merge with them, become them and we give them a body, a Subbody.
5. Тerms
Learning the meaning of different Butoh terms such as
Sub-Body, Darkness of Body, Resonance, Qualia Transparency, Hidden Muscles, Hidden Skin, Ash Body and Ash walk, among more
Clothes: Training clothes, soft and easy to move in.
Maximum number of participants: 25